It takes one second to make a picture. It can take a life time to understand the story behind it. Yet we could not live without it because humans tend to forget. Inevitably photography helps us to remember.

This is why photography is so important to me.


‘The waves were round and well defined. They were tiptoeing in fascinating shades of the colour of the sky: an intense blue shown by the most hidden oceans.  I felt so thrilled by the exhibition of natural forces. They seemed to be on the lake just to demolish the human beings’ frivolities. It seemed that nature wanted to talk with me about how she was happy before human beings took control of the earth. The water was being abused from appalling cement systems and for this reason the earth wanted its revenge now.’


‘The waves were round and well defined. They were tiptoeing in fascinating shades of the colour of the sky: an intense blue shown by the most hidden oceans.  I felt so thrilled by the exhibition of natural forces. They seemed to be on the lake just to demolish the human beings’ frivolities. It seemed that nature wanted to talk with me about how she was happy before human beings took control of the earth. The water was being abused from appalling cement systems and for this reason the earth wanted its revenge now.’


Stay in touch with me, with my travels and my art.